The big day is here and it is time to roll. I had breakfast and now it is time to meet the camera crew and the rest of the gang.
Igor is early and he brought my Mom some chocolates. We got the first interview done and the people are slowly starting to show up. It’s impossible for me to know who exactly and how many will show up.
The bikes roll in just as they promised and John the head navigator is in his full Belarus bike riding lycra.
I am a little antsy, I am not nervous, I guess just more excited. This is the big start, the big day, the beginning of an adventure that just 8 months ago was just an idea born.
But where was the bearded runner? We had made contact just a few weeks before on Instagram.
The First Message I had no idea where he was going to sleep each night!
We had only briefly chatted on Instagram, the details of everything was vague, but what I did know was that he was coming with me. That was the plan anyway!
Out of the distance he appeared, he looked just like he did on his photos. I felt like I already knew him, and to break the ice, I decided to give him a hug instead of shaking his hand.
I actually did not know how to pronounce his real name so in order to avoid an uncomfortable situation later, I asked how to say his name.
Now that was all out of the way, I made one last loop around the hostel to make sure no one was waiting.
There was no official starting line. I had just wanted to start near the hostel where I was staying.
We lined up had some last minute small talk, my watch said 9:00 and it was time to roll.

“ Thank you everyone for being here” I turned to my bearded friend, and said “ You and me my friend we have a long run ahead of us my friend”
3, 2, 1, and ACTION